Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Portrait Of The Young Man As An Artist

I call myself an artist.

What has art done for me lately?

A title's just that: a title; words, just words.

Do. Don't define.

Definitions come from those who can't.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Meditative Query (III)

You find yourself to be hollow, empty, devoid of substance.  Do you impute this to your intake or your output?


Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Meditative Query (II)

You find yourself surrounded by people who do not take you seriously.  Do you look for validation within yourself, seek out like-minded fellows to buoy you and your ego, or forge on defying the indifference of all others?


Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Meditative Query

You find yourself becoming things you once hated.  Do you return to your old self, stay static, or look forward to who you will become because of it?


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Maybe Care

It doesn't mean anything unless you want it to.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Case Of Life Imitating Physics

It was a time of coasting.  No progress was made, no moves--at least none in the near future.  It was trying. 

We lived, together.  Finished out old commitments.  Tried to build some credit.  Before another move could be made.  But times like these weren't so bad when they came in cycles.  Having something to look forward to--no matter how distant it may seem at the time--is never a bad thing.

And when the next move was made, we could settle again, into a new routine to coast on for a while, swooping over the hill in wide S-curves back and forth building momentum each turn begetting the next one until finally we can slow ourselves, allow ourselves to coast a little longer, in wider swoops, down to the bottom of the hill where we'll stop ...eventually.

It was not actually a time of coasting, though we wished it was.  There was still a long way to go.  Commitments to finish out.  Credit to build.  Living to do, together.  Our minds skipped ahead because the pain of trudging up the incline, working, harder than in the beginning, could be too much; we had to imagine the reward.  The peak.  Where it all pays off. 

The coasting will come.  Now's the time to climb.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friends: They're what's for dinner.


There's no greater pleasure than watching a polaroid slideshow of fantastic memories because it reminds me of the people that make me who I am now. I'm lucky, duh.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Frames in Motion

Ever try to sculpt with cheese? Tamara, Brock and I have! In conjunction with BAMM.TV's Grand Studio Opening, the three of us produced/curated/created a 15 minute video art show that reinterprets traditional art for video. Seven different artists (of The Menagerie Collective, Tamara and myself) contributed 2D/3D work for the studio opening, which then inspired corresponding video pieces made by we three Tourists and Jaqueline Norheim of The Menagerie Collective. Check out the video collection with the (loud) soundtrack of your choice.


The "Frames In Motion" exhibit finds meaning in the relationship of traditional art and new media, a show in which artists and filmmakers have collaborated to take art off the wall and translate it for the screen: a multi-perspective exploration of the invisible moments between frames in motion.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Not Hard to Get By

It's not hard to get by. When the wind blows fast we play soccer in the streets. When the fog wanders through we wonder where to go. We feel the beats of biking blazes and eat good things to eat. When times are tough and the pillow rough, we like to sing hello. Not much can do harm, feels good to feel, because it is every moment a hilarious lesson. We're alien weirdos swirling in a mess of space gook. Think of it that way.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Combustible American Spirit

City lights. Vocab words. Actors & Actresses. Joshua Tree. Death Valley. Time Lapse. Bill Murray. Bill Murray. Bill Murray. Colliding satellites. I’d like to, I want to...hesitation...be more like Hunter Thompson or Sufi. The San Franciscollective. I can’t stop thinking what a computer might be thinking—I hope it is happy. zoomzoom. takeourpicture. MUAH! MUAH! I don’t know, I’m pretty drunk tonight. Tenori. FFA or whatever it was that Ian was talking about--selling goats or some shit. Row to sea to Maggot Brain. Can you get to that? Explosions into colorful (GIANT) space people! I cannot escape my idolization of THINGS THAT ARE SMARTER, THINGS THAT ARE BRIGHTER, THINGS THAT ARE BEAUTIFUL AND MUCH MORE THAN THINGS. Making money is hard. Living happily is hard enough! Kid Pix and Macintosh. Colors with U and blue and green and orange until Santa Cruz is a Beautiful Place. I cannot explain how important it is to die via trident. Thinker—dive deeper into thought. Couch Surfers—dive deeper into thought. The Battle of Los Angeles fought by armadillos. Or The Beatles. Or The Knife. Fleet Foxes. The Dodos. Flashbulb. Emancipator. Up! Up! The Download—dive deeper into thought. The universe is shaped like—dive deeper into thought. Logic & Reason & Passion & Credibility. Download complete. Inhale.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Beginning

Welcome to the first draft of The Tourists' Guide.