Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Case Of Life Imitating Physics

It was a time of coasting.  No progress was made, no moves--at least none in the near future.  It was trying. 

We lived, together.  Finished out old commitments.  Tried to build some credit.  Before another move could be made.  But times like these weren't so bad when they came in cycles.  Having something to look forward to--no matter how distant it may seem at the time--is never a bad thing.

And when the next move was made, we could settle again, into a new routine to coast on for a while, swooping over the hill in wide S-curves back and forth building momentum each turn begetting the next one until finally we can slow ourselves, allow ourselves to coast a little longer, in wider swoops, down to the bottom of the hill where we'll stop ...eventually.

It was not actually a time of coasting, though we wished it was.  There was still a long way to go.  Commitments to finish out.  Credit to build.  Living to do, together.  Our minds skipped ahead because the pain of trudging up the incline, working, harder than in the beginning, could be too much; we had to imagine the reward.  The peak.  Where it all pays off. 

The coasting will come.  Now's the time to climb.


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